8 Health-Boosting Teas for the Cold Winter Season

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Throughout our days, as we prepare decadent cups of tea as our “little joys,” we can also pour cups of antioxidants, cancer-fighting agents, and weight loss aids into our system. It’s nothing short of miraculous when you consider the multiple natural health benefits of tea. 

This holiday season, as you’re sitting by the fire, reminiscing of auld lang syne, and drawing your loved ones near, consider these best teas for health. Within these cups of glory, we can experience rejuvenation, zings of energy, and an entryway to a lifetime of increased health. 

It’s tea time! 

1. Peppermint

Toss those candy canes aside. Okay, don’t do that; keep them for the kiddos. But, as for you, steep a cup of peppermint holiday tea instead. The simple act of inhaling the steam from a cup of peppermint tea is refreshing. 

Also, if you’ve overindulged on the Christmas ham or pumpkin pie, peppermint tea can help settle your stomach. Peppermint tea is noted to fight against indigestion, nausea, and upset stomach. 

8 Health-Boosting Teas for the Cold Winter Season | Naturopathic Dr

2. Ginger

While we’re on the subject of grateful and full bellies, let’s talk ginger. It fights a similar fight against indigestion and even constipation. Either before or after you dig into the holiday festivities, savor a few quiet moments with a cup of ginger tea. 

Although the pain and discomfort that comes from menstrual cramps is an all-year-round kind of thing, we’ve read a few studies where researchers assert ginger’s ability to work as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Doesn’t that sound lovely? Consider a warm cup of tea in lieu of popping a few pills when Flow comes to town. 

8 Health-Boosting Teas for the Cold Winter Season | Naturopathic Dr

3. Vanilla Rooibos

So, rooibos isn’t “technically” a tea. It doesn’t come from the Camellia Sinensis plant, like black and green tea. 

Rather, it comes from the leaves of a South African bush. Nevertheless, it’s been steeped like loose tea for countless years because it packs a significant punch in the antioxidant department. 

For ages, South Africans have used rooibos for medicinal purposes. Although scientific research is lacking, compared to other teas, rooibos is suspected of promoting a wealth of benefits

Notably, it can lower the toxicity levels in our cells. You know what that means; when our cells aren’t warding off constant, daily attacks, they’re better-equipped to work at maximum capacity. Something this rich in antioxidants is always a smart choice. 

4. Sage

Feeling forgetful this season? Are you misplacing your shopping lists and double booking your holiday parties? See if you enjoy the taste of sage tea.

It’s commonly touted as a healthy herbal tea with several medicinal properties. What it’s particularly noted for is its ability to boost our cognitive function

This means a potential boost to our memory, overall functioning, and mood. That’s not too shabby for a busy on-the-go person juggling multiple plates.

5. Honey Vanilla Chamomile

We do love a little honey and vanilla in our tea — the soothing effects of chamomile pair beautifully with these delights. 

Although chamomile has tremendous popularity as a sleep aid, it might be able to do a lot more than that. Studies have noted it for its antibacterial properties (goodbye cold and flu season). It’s also under consideration for its ability to help us maintain healthy blood sugar levels. 

6. Lemon Balm

If you have a yen for the zing of a citrus drink, consider lemon balm. Since heart health is always on our minds, it’s essential to do all we can to promote the healthy functioning of this vital organ. 

One study found that lemon balm can increase the elasticity around our arteries. This is a huge win if we’re trying to prevent heart disease – the number one killer for men and women – or stroke. 

8 Health-Boosting Teas for the Cold Winter Season | Naturopathic Dr

7. Rose Hip

Did you know rose plants give off fruit? Imagine the beauty of that plant steeped in hot water while it boosts the immune system? Rose hip is high in vitamin C. With all those kiddos running around this holiday season. Rose hip might be an excellent cautionary drink. 

We’ve also read a few studies that promote rose hip as an anti-inflammatory. Stiff joints and possibly even arthritic joints may benefit from the regular consumption of this fragrant and delightful tea. 

8. Oolong

Let’s return to the gut. Although oolong tea is in the same family as black and green teas, it works a little differently. This tea is slightly antiseptic, meaning it can help your gut guard against harmful bacteria. 

Also, not to get too personal, but have you ever noticed coffee’s ability to help us make a bowel movement? Well, oolong may have a similar effect on certain people. All in all, it’s an excellent aid to those looking to round out the health of their gut

Tea Bonus Tips

If you have french press at home we highly recommend mixing your teas with turmeric and a splash of black pepper. This will leave your skin glowing and your joints at ease as the winter weather hits. 

You can also throw herbs like cilantro or parsley into your french press and steep the plants with Oolong for a morning buzz. 

8 Health-Boosting Teas for the Cold Winter Season | Naturopathic Dr

The Best Teas for Health

We wholeheartedly encourage you to dive into the world of tea. While we consider these to be some of the best teas for health, we also encourage you to get creative and mix it up! Enjoy wine? Learn about the health benefits of drinking wine, and what to know about natural wines.

Here at my practice, we believe in the body’s inherent ability to maintain and restore its health. Through healthy, holistic practices and an embrace of nature’s pure wonders, we can augment the body’s amazing ability to heal itself and grow stronger. 

If you live in the DC, Maryland, or Virginia area, give us a call at (202) 235-2149 today! Together, we can develop a plan to take a holistic approach with natural remedies to your life. Why not watch and see what your body can do all on its own, without the intrusion of harmful chemical properties?

About The Author:
Picture of Dr. Karen Threlkel, Naturopathic Physician, Washington DC
Dr. Karen Threlkel, Naturopathic Physician, Washington DC

Dr. Threlkel received her degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from The National College for Naturopathic Medicine (now called The National University of Natural Medicine) in Portland, Oregon. She also holds a Bachelor Degree in Kinesiology from The University of Maryland. She is licensed in Naturopathic Medicine by the Government of the District of Columbia Department of Health. Dr. Threlkel is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, past president & current member of the Washington DC Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

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