13 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance in Women to Look Out For

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Hormonal imbalances impact many women and make it difficult for them to get through the day. Hormones are chemical messengers that spur bodily functions into action or tell them they should ramp back down after activity. Balance is crucial to health.

The following guide will identify and explain some of the signs of hormone imbalance and what might be causing it to occur. 

Signs of a Hormonal Imbalance 

Several symptoms develop as a result of hormonal imbalance, leaving those who suffer from them looking for ways to return to a harmonious state. If you have noticed any of these signs, especially more than one at the same time, it may be time to consult with a qualified medical professional:

1. Changes in Weight 

Women who have not made significant changes to their eating habits or exercise routines may see changes in either weight gain or loss during a hormonal imbalance. The biggest complaints are the amount of weight gained and inability to keep it off — even with appropriate diet or increased exercise — or being unable to keep weight on. 

2. Fatigue 

Another common sign of hormonal imbalances is fatigue, which is often overlooked in the early stages. Women with hormonal imbalances are often exhausted and unable to find the energy they need. Even a full night’s sleep can leave them feeling as though they have not gotten enough rest. 

person tired due to hormonal imbalance in women

3. Acne 

Are you having flashbacks to your awkward, acne-filled teenage years when you look in the mirror? Women suffering from hormone imbalances often suffer from acne that appears around the jaw or chin. This acne starts off slow, but gradually worsen around this area and spreads from one side to the next. 

4. Sporadic Menstrual Cycles 

Many women who suffer from hormone imbalances are not yet near the menopause stage, which makes experiencing sporadic menstrual cycles a significant concern. They could miss a cycle for one or several months or most of the calendar year, depending on the level of hormone imbalance. Menstrual cycles are regulated by hormones, so sporadic ones are likely to follow when hormone levels are not properly regulated. 

5. Infertility 

Infertility is one of the most distressing symptoms of hormone imbalances. Hormones that are out of balance can prevent your body from conceiving or keeping a pregnancy. For women who are actively trying to conceive, this symptom is often the one that can make them take a second look at their hormone levels. 

6. Body Temperature Changes 

Some women experience body temperature changes when their hormones are imbalanced. Hot flashes are the most prevalent signs, with women experiencing a few moments of internal warmth that eventually passes but are sometimes enough to wake them from their sleep. Other women experience temperature changes in their hands and feet, with the areas becoming chilled when the rest of their body is warm. 

The Bottom Line on Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms

It is important to seek the advice of a qualified medical professional as soon as possible if you believe you might be experiencing a hormonal imbalance. This will help you get the support you need to get your body back to functioning at its best and may prevent long-term issues. It will also help you get to the bottom of why your hormonal balance occurred so you can avoid another in the future.

Causes of a Hormonal Imbalance 

Not all hormonal imbalances are caused by the same combinations of factors, and not all factors contribute equally. There are many causes, but several could be contributing simultaneously to the disruptions you are currently experiencing. 

Understanding what is causing your hormonal imbalance will go a long way toward both treating it and preventing recurrences. Below are the most common causes in women:

1. Underlying Health Conditions 

Many women unfortunately suffer from underlying health conditions that negatively impact their hormone levels, including diabetes, Addison’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, and hyper- or hypothyroidism. 

2. Endocrine Gland Damage 

A woman’s endocrine glands can become damaged due to trauma, genetics, or time and fail to balance the hormones in the body. 

3. Gradual Weight Gain and Obesity 

Women who suffer from obesity or being overweight often show signs of hormonal imbalance as a direct result of the added weight. The disruption may not be present when the weight is first put on, but keeping it on for long periods can be a direct cause. 

4. Diet and Exercise 

Even those who are not overweight can suffer hormonal imbalances due to poor diet and lack of exercise. Regularly consuming foods that do not contain enough nutrients begins to shift your body’s output of hormones over time. Having to consistently combat overloads of sugar or deal with protein deficiency will make certain hormones work harder than normal, for example, a cycle that can lead to long-term bodily changes and problems.

food that helps with hormonal imbalance in women

Lack of adequate exercise or indulging in excessive activity can also negatively impact your hormones: Not getting enough causes stress and buildups of toxins, as does consistently working your body without giving it time to recover. 

5. Excessive Stress 

Every woman experiences some level of stress, but those with excessive stress will produce high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This could throw off the production of other essential hormones, which might lead to disorders and even disease. 

6. Daily Medications 

Prescription medications like  birth control pills or steroids are often prescribed to prevent or treat select conditions, but each is a hormone-based solution. Taking such a medication will naturally shift your hormone balance the longer you take it. 

7. Toxin Exposure 

Chemicals are constantly found throughout our daily lives, from the items we use to clean our homes and the pesticides present in our gardens or at work to the products we use in self-care routines. Repeated, frequent exposure can chemically alter your hormone balance.

Ready to Take Charge of Your Hormonal Balance? 

If you believe you are suffering from hormonal imbalances based upon the signs and symptoms listed above, it may be time to reach out to a qualified medical professional and discuss the causes and your treatment options. Dr. Karen R Threlkel has been treating patients with natural, holistic methodologies for years, and she and her team will be happy to work with you to find naturopathic remedies to balance your hormones.
Are you ready to discuss what could be causing your hormonal imbalance? Reach out to make an appointment today! We are happy to consult with you and get you started on a path toward long-lasting results and a healthy lifestyle.

About The Author:
Picture of Dr. Karen Threlkel, Naturopathic Physician, Washington DC
Dr. Karen Threlkel, Naturopathic Physician, Washington DC

Dr. Threlkel received her degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from The National College for Naturopathic Medicine (now called The National University of Natural Medicine) in Portland, Oregon. She also holds a Bachelor Degree in Kinesiology from The University of Maryland. She is licensed in Naturopathic Medicine by the Government of the District of Columbia Department of Health. Dr. Threlkel is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, past president & current member of the Washington DC Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

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